“Quite simply, this course got me into a career.”
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Processes are the technical and artistic steps we take to manufacture a prosthetic or makeup effect. There’s no simple way to divide our processes with very clean lines between subject matter. Painting for example: painting on skin is a makeup process whereas painting on silicone for a dummy head comes under art finishing. At their hearts these processes follow the same basic principles of colour applied with a brush or airbrush, but for our purposes they would happen in different departments in the FX studio, or on the film set, so we have divided them into processes following the lines we find in our working life.
Our industry also employs a lot of specialists and some of you using this resource will be interested in a specific area and developing specific skill sets, so our division of classes into processes allows you to focus more easily on your area of interest.
Our pathways combine a number of processes to take you on a creative journey with a beginning, middle and end; whether it’s producing your first basic flat mould prosthetic appliance or an extensive multi-piece silicone character makeup, there’s a pathway that will guide you along every step of the way.
Our pathways are modelled on the content of the most popular courses we’ve taught in person at Gorton Studio over the years. The initial focus of those was always on teaching technical skills and then guiding students into applying those skills to their personal projects. In our processes described above, we will cover many core skills that can then be applied to multiple pathways. This means we won’t keep repeating the same information time and time again, allowing you to navigate a pathway more quickly and concisely.
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