“I have to tell you all that “Boot Camp” was, is, and will always be, one of the high points in my makeup career! What a privilege to watch a master at work at his craft…simply phenomenal! Commencing the 5 days course with a full-head silicon life cast, casting out positive face casts, and demonstrating flat-plate prosthetics (which we would be doing ourselves) by sculpting his 3rd eye makeup … and that was just the 1st day!!

“Over the next 4 days Neill, sculpted a witch face, broke down and floated the sculpt, made snaps of forehead, nose and chin in plaster and polyurethane, transferred the floated facial features to the appropriate snaps and flat-plate for cheeks, made the molds for all five appliances in silicon, plaster, polyurethane, and epoxy, cast the appliances in Super Baldiez encapsuated silicon gel, and finally, applied the makeup he’d created…phew, it was a whirlwind of information…and an exhilarating ride!

“That doesn’t even include the time, we as students, spent sculpting, moulding, casting, and applying our own flat-plate prosthetics, with Neill guiding us each step of the way and providing encouragement and helpful critique…invaluable!! For me, I was most interested in learning more about the various kinds of molds and mold-making, I was not disappointed! Neill knows his materials forward, backward, and sideways…and the techniques and tips he provided…fantastic! I now feel armed to buy the materials I saw demonstrated and give them a go, confident I’ll have some measure of success.

“My enthusiasm was matched by all the other Boot Camp participants, as each day we would gather excited about what we would learn, not only in class, but at breakfast, lunch and dinner together. Boot Camp is an appropriate term for the course because like soldiers the shared experiences have bonded us together!

“I cannot recommend Boot Camp too highly! It is impossible to put a value on what I got from the course. It was worth every minute and penny. It was not a cost, it was an investment, one I am glad I took advantage of and would again, in a second! To Neill and all his fabulous people in Falmouth, my sincerest and deepest gratitude.”

Gary Christensen, USAStudent on Prosthetics Boot Camp with Neill Gorton

“Incredible experience at the last Boot Camp, I had the occasion to clarify a lot of doubts, understand a lot of new ways for me to use materials and improve them. Thank you to the all team. P.s. wonderful group!”

Giulia Giorgi, ItalyStudent on Prosthetics Boot Camp with Neill Gorton

“I would just like to thank the whole team for all the work that went on. I have listened to Hannah telling friends and family about her experience and to see and hear her confidence and the fact she is so inspired is wonderful for a parent, believe me it didn’t often happen during her school years. Thank you so much the whole experience was lovely from the barbecue through to the scary mask sitting in the back of the car on the way home!”

Hannah’s Mum, UKSummer School student's parent

“I recently completed Neill’s five day Prosthetics Boot Camp, which was amazing…I have never learnt so much in such a short time. I am currently at university studying SFX MakeUp so this course was very useful to me. Neill’s teaching skill’s are second to none and I can now confidently go on my own and make silicone prosthetic pieces….”

Jenna Hacking, UKStudent on Prosthetics Boot Camp with Neill Gorton

“The National Film & Television School and Gorton Studio have been in partnership since 2006. Initially Neill Gorton and his amazing team came up with a prosthetics module for the NFTS SFX/VFX Diploma, developing and growing into the current 5-week module that is part of the NFTS Digital Effects MA course. Every Gorton Studio tutor has the experience to deliver the learning at the highest level. The NFTS students always engage with every aspect of the course and year-on-year find new ways of creating prosthetic effects that shock and entertain in equal measure.

“Gorton Studio instills the highest technical, creative and professional standards and the Prosthetics Module remains essential to the success of the NFTS Digital Effects MA course.”

John RoweHead of Digital Effects, National Film and Television School

“My attendance of the Prosthetics Boot Camp course was the most rewarding experience I could have wished for. As a past student of Neill’s 7-week prosthetics course this was the perfect follow-up to cover some processes and materials that I felt needed to be refreshed for myself, specifically learning how to break down a sculpture and to float the individual pieces in order to create a multi piece prosthetic.

“I could not recommend this course highly enough to anyone who is seriously into sculpture and make-up FX, If you have the time and the money and most importantly the passion to learn the various different techniques and the creative processes then there is no other make-up school or course you need to look for, you have already found the perfect one.”

Jonathan Stewart-Wood, UKStudent on Prosthetics Boot Camp with Neill Gorton
“I am definitely very happy with my subscription and grateful to have easy access to online affordable learning.
The videos are super clear, easy to understand, great camera angles, we can see in detail what is being done and your explanations cover all your hand moves and great hints. And the download transcripts are brilliant and to be able to print them and go back to them whenever needed.
I have worked in another prosthetics workshop on a few different occasions, I sometimes experiment in making my own flat moulds and silicone pieces from scratch and I frequently apply prosthetics at work in the make-up department, but I am always willing to learn new hints, evolve and improve my work.
And these videos and transcripts are excellent!!”
Juliana FerreiraOnline Course Subscriber

“My team and I were privileged to spend a week being trained by Neill at his studio in Aylesbury. We learnt an incredible amount over the four days, from sculpting, moulding and applying flat piece moulds, to life casting, two-part moulds and full face application.

“It was a wonderful, creative and inspiring week. Neill is an outstanding teacher, he took us through the important areas we needed to know, taking us through each process step-by-step ensuring that we understood the process and the importance of knowing the materials. He is a fountain of knowledge and gave us so many tips on all aspects of the process and the industry.

“We loved every minute of it and none of us wanted the week to end, he really built our confidence and gave us an excellent foundation to work from. I can honestly say it was the best training I have ever had and an incredibly rewarding experience for myself and my team. We will definitely be booking more courses with him in the future and I would highly recommend the courses to anyone with an interest in prosthetics and SFX.”

Julie GillespieCurriculum Manager Creative Arts, Buckinghamshire College Group

“During my time on the 7-week Make Up FX and Prosthetics Creation course I learnt so much. From the first day I knew this was going to be one of the greatest experiences of my life, which it was! We learnt everything from sculpting, to moulding, to casting, and working with so many different materials which I wouldn’t have access to in everyday life, and each day was jam packed but in the most educational way possible.

“We also had plenty of visiting tutors come in such as Cantor and Nissel, Andrew Whiteoak, and Thomas Surprenant. The fact that we were based next to the Millennium FX workshop was an extra bonus that allowed us to gain an insight as to what an everyday prosthetic workshop runs like, and we were able to gain some invaluable help from people around the workshop if we ever needed it. Overall, I’d highly recommend doing this course. It was the best career investment I’ve ever made, and I know I’ve gained friends, skills, and knowledge that I’ll have for life! I’ve since gone on to work on two independent feature films due to the portfolio images I that I gained from the course.

“Special thanks to Ian Morse, Bianca, Neill, and the team at Millennium FX for being the nicest and most helpful bunch of people during my 7 weeks at Gorton and for teaching things that I wouldn’t have access to elsewhere.”

Leah JenkinsMakeup FX and Prosthetics Creation student