“Quite simply, this course got me into a career.”
We are now focused on delivering comprehensive online courses for all skill levels, and in-person education at postgraduate level through our Masters Degree in partnership with Falmouth University. We also provide online learning and research resources for HE and FE institutions, plus consultations about curricula, facilities and materials.
We are closely associated with Millennium FX, our multi award-winning sister company founded by Neill in 1999. This connects us directly to the film industry and makes our teaching the most industry-relevant available anywhere in the world.

Our online courses show you the processes that are the technical and artistic steps to make a prosthetic or makeup effect, and take you through complete learning pathways.
For advanced learners, our in-person MA in Prosthetic Effects at Falmouth University has an industry-focussed curriculum, addressing employment needs at the sharp end of the craft by teaching a hybrid skillset of practical and digital techniques.
We support colleges and universities in delivering industry-relevant courses with our online resources, and give advice on optimising their provision.

Find out why so many students choose to study with Gorton Studio